For companies

VLAVI employs over 200 skilled welders, installers, and assemblers, with a reserve of 1,000+ qualified candidates ready to step in as needed.

All our professionals are certified and undergo regular training to maintain top industry standards, ensuring high-quality, safe work clients can trust.

The cost of our services includes workers’ salaries with taxes, required certificates and permissions, working clothes, working shoes, welding masks and consumables, travel expenses, company vehicles, accommodation if needed, and both travel and accident insurance.

Key benefits of our service to you:

COST SAVINGS: Hiring outsourced specialists is cost-effective, eliminating recruitment expenses and overhead costs of full-time staff

FOCUS ON CORE BUSINESS: Outsourcing frees up your internal resources, enabling you to focus on your core business while entrusting delivery of required specialists to experts

FLEXIBILITY: With VLAVI, you can effortlessly adapt to project needs by adjusting workforce size and skills

QUALITY ASSURANCE: VLAVI specialists have the necessary certifications, training, and experience to deliver high-quality welding work

REDUCED LIABILITY: Our offer of specialists includes insurance coverage, minimizing clients’ liability risks in case of accidents, injuries, or property damage

TRUSTY BUSINESS PARTNER: With 40+ clients and nearly 200 welders and other specialists in Scandinavia, VLAVI has a strong industry reputation and commitment to delivering high-quality services.

Let us take care of your workforce needs so you can focus on growing your business!

Contact form
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* Phone number
error - phone
* Type of project
error - type of project
* Specialists required
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* Number of specialists
error number of specialists